Diversità Inverse

Diversità Inverse
#DiversitàInverse #InverseDiversities are a poetry collection in divenire or as someone says instances in the continuum of oneself life.
2019 #DiversitàInverse #InverseDiversities
of loVE and recognition It is when the world clamp down that I retire Fear, pain, anxiety but most of all sorrow. How to say what have to be said? How not to retaliate? How to be , without extinguishing the others being? I know , of all sentiments , mostly RIGHTEOUSNESS How to learn , instead , compassion? How to carve it into tendons , moves , breaths? Today as tomorrow , I might exchange sharpness. Yesterday, when I did not know I have failed myself to the one-other. The arm closed , the embrace denied. Today, tears are the valueless pearls of this astonished petrified heart (@ my lost lover) - 10 December 2019
Today is social media celebration of #HumanRights The more I scroll The lest I sense. Fingers slow down heart , mind , soul ache. The list of heroines and heroes and all the ones in between and beyond in the overused pendulum of two genders get longer and longer ... their fights heavier and heavier I stop Leave the field of celebration , commemoration , anger to retire for a quiet act of recognition. Meanwhile seven buses with unwanted refugees are sent from the nowhere of Bosnia-Herzegovinian border to the next designed nowhere of Bosnia-Herzegovina&EU heartless leaderships Suspended in plain sight their #HumanRights stay I feel , once and again , surpassed by time 10 December 2019
A gray sky filled by rain and snow one hour ... two hours ... five hours ... Entire days spent on the surface of a keyboard The always-to-cross-border governed this time by electricity and power open the magic entrance to data-embodied-bits 0101 00110110 011010 inscrutable sequences transfer me-to-you-to-me , us-to-us-to-them-to-all Remote companions at the many ends of the many keyboards Borders ourselves of-and-to our data-embodied-bits 11 December 2019
This is my relation with memory and reality : a step in the door : the uncertainty of the future 11 December 2019 (reviewed 21 March 2021
I do think of myself while thinking of the rest and get this self untangle from the rest a whirl of love , despair and , expectation captured in a note , a pad , an erratic typing That's when the move from the I to the We (released from the fear of T H E M) has a smile of solitude and absence 11 December 2019 (reviewed 21 March 2021
There are days when I can only think of what next fearing the decaying body lost to the connection of the present I jump I run I scream Than occurs an accident The unexpected augments all other people's realities The contorted self become eventually redeemed by love and compassion by trust and belief 12 December 2019
Un letto troppo grande rende il cuore minuscolo e sperduto 12 December 2019
Come trovare gli angoli umidi del cuore? La capacità minuscola di essere magnifiche? 12 December 2019
Afterthoughts This morning words were of the unsaid, meanings in-between and behind A sound mirror reflection of pauses and cracks of desire and being of have and don't and get ----- Have to be honest in the everyday life I don't miss you Is just during the non-doing that your absence hit as a freezing breath of immobility ----- I would have loved you but now is too late my heart is done and you are in the afterlife 13 December 2019
It is in this way that my days pass the breakfast, the sandwiches, their school my work, my desk, my computer The Mondays, the Tuesdays, the Wednesdays all the way to the Fridays Of the Saturdays and SUndays better not to talk TV on demand, books a lot of necessary shopping and the loneliness of one-left-alone by death 14 December 2019
We sit on a tiny bench I hold your hand you hold mine the air is crisp, the green wild, the sound of the hyperactive town distant and loose I try and try the daylight breaks and so the alarm Irreversible times pushes the dream away 16 December 2019
Consumed by exposure by the work of saying and doing by the obligation to B E visible A flag to be seen A voice to be heard Submerged, drowned devoured by urgency the next heroine is E L E V A T E D 17 December 2019
A bla-bla session on human rights starts With the hope to be surprised I sit, one among the many as audience to the talk The opening is one-gender-only I stay, imagining their bodies feeling&defining different from what projected Relentless the bla-bla goes on 18 December 2019
A fixed frame a stopped image Untouched Unpaced : Dust the only proof of this me sitting next to no-one : Same day same time millions take the streets : Reality is more than perception 19 December 2019
I hear you, she says and I believe I hear you, she says and I? I am the S H E of an untied circle the she , the you , the me the one, the two, the three I am the anxious and the certain the questioning and the questioned I am I am not The line The round The hole I did love I did hate I made angered promises I stayed I left I I I . a full stop , a coma ~ a suspension Caught reflection of a pitiful self 20 December 2019
Two poetry - one for Sunday and one for the evening in wait I am passionate with words -you say It's true -I answer (I lost the one person I loved to a suicide -I whisper to myself Can you imagine how many times each words rewind with its potential wounds? And yet, I am passionate with words, the knife sharpened into what could be the next heart) ----- Poetry unsettle me and comfort Make me strong and vulnerable Poetry is the way I exist in life 23 December 2019
I live in a country where I was not born circumstances and will brought me here circumstances and will kept me here Circumstances and will are two spared earrings different in shape , purpose and strenght I wear them sometimes casually other proud and intentionally they never fail to remind me of the country and its legacy 25 December 2019
If I could leave everything I would transform in a lake hidden by mountains I would surrender my heart at its bottom surpassed by the water insurmountable and still If I could leave everything I would become the sky and clouds above the lake to look at the heart reckoning its soul 25 December 2019
the bell , the door the open , the close the right , the wrong the now , the after a pendulum a spectrum the might be the ought be the must the will a me , a she , an us , a they a room , a bed , a mirror , a shower the touch , the grip the mess , the order the mind , the body the blink , the shuttering tuning of spirals of infinite desiring 26 December 2019
Holidays Sitting in the kitchen one coffee after the other no tik tok no calendar no apps to scroll A shower some washing of clothes and dishes Purposeless luxury of not-doing Until : the brain detects the solitude of the body 26 December 2019
The story says she left but stories have as many sides as the tellers In the story she left and her she was staying alone In the story there is a flat and a cemetery In the story there is no happy ending or sorrow It is an end-story for evenings with though silences pumpkin soup black pepper and a cat and it is a story with the unnecessity of tomorrow 27 December 2019
Coming back to places never really brings anything back, is a fast forward instead into a present without (our) youth. Walking trough the streets, between the buildings, into gardens and parks where we have spent time drinking, sipping, tossing our bad and good days, the youth we see are not the youth we were. Years, similarly to passed seasons had rolled wrinkles on all faces. We traveled to rejoin the one time where we are not and, most probably, we never be. Memories like tales, live in the moment of narration, in the sparking lights reflected by the eyes of the listeners. Because of them, when re-visiting, our talks searches for the ghosts. We call upon them as calling a spell of possible going back. By surprise, the memories for one second become the door opening to the miracle. 30 December 2019
It is a private pain. A cold marble tomb. The snow. Light the lanterns. Pose the arranged flowers. Pose the silver-green new year ornament. Re-light the lanterns. One. Two. Three times. Win the wind. Take a photo from your perspective. The one of the corpse laying in the coffin under the snow, under the cold marble tomb. Tears run. I run. You stay. Under the snow. Under the flowers. Under the lanterns. Under the silver-green new year ornament. 30 December 2019
As simple as life Good morning. A cold polluted sun. Frozen snow. Last school day before the last night of the year. The mother sits in the kitchen with a cold coffee. Rap loud music fills up the little apartment. It is Coolio@s Gangast's Paradise. One of the sons is in the bathroom, the other in the bedroom. Their voices come together to sing another Eminem hit. The sons are fifteen years old. The mother is fifty-three years old or she will be soon. It is the 31st December 2019. The cat on the couch fall asleep. Outside is - 100. Inside the heating defuses it to a comfortable warmth. All three and the cat live together in the small capital of an unfinished country. Both, the country and the capital are in a permanent resistance to changes and against better. The sons and the mother are busy. Tonight for the last night of the year they will eat and drink at a friend's place. Tonight at New Year's Eve they will be together. Than alone. Than together. Than on their own. This will be as simultaneous, as parallel, as continuous as in life. 31 December 2019