It is always about love, even in 2014
The 2014 has been all throughout about love. Love given and love received, love witnessed and love dispersed.The love was in the protests, trough the floods and eventually in the beautiful intense feminist camp of WomenRockIT.
Love is the most personal and political statement anyone can make. It ask for openness, and acceptance of our own and others dependence.
I depend on love, I know this and I would never deny it. Sometimes I might have forgotten, busy in running and doing but when the fast track stops, when I stop running, then love is all there in it’s political accuracy.
So this year is ending and, as had started in the sign of love, has to end with the same sign. That’s why without tagging it is important to name some special people that have allow me to walk my path and had make sure our common path stay safe and grow.
So here I am to thank Valida, Aida, and Belma and with them Minela for having been themselves the wonderful women, activists, and feminists they are. For their honesty, resilience and smile. They had thought and build a truly feminist space where sexuality and the internet have the tenderness and strength of women/girls own real bodies.
This year so tough had show how the individuals can be magnificent, gorgeously generous and able to overcome anything. This year had also shown how the civil society, the formalized mechanism of associations had become part of the mainstream and had fail to understand, denounce and renounce to its privileges, drowned in its over-scheduled logical frame of changes.
In the continuum that is LIFE, mechanisms need to be reset, reboot and hopefully restart. This will be probably happen, this is probably happening.